The Melody Of Retribution Pt 1

Chapter 1 The Debts Of Blood

“You think you’re superior just because you nail those straight A’s?”

The grim reality hits me hard as I land on the piss-soaked floor. The toilet in front of me gleams with a grotesque shine, layers of filth clinging to it like a badge of horror. The stink is unbearable — a physical force that punches through my senses, urging a visceral reaction deep in my gut.

⬇️ Points lost: Dignity — 10

My head throbbed, each pulse a reminder of the beating I’d just endured. “Please, Danny, have some mercy,” I murmured, shielding my head while submerged in the puddle. Ding! Ding! Ding! The school bell rang, signaling the end of the torment.

“You lucked out, Joseph. The bell saved you this time,” Danny sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “But don’t try to pull that genius act with your grades again.”

“I never meant to show off,” I replied, defeated.

Choice Time

❓Option 1: Stand up for yourself.

❓Option 2: Stay down and wait for the bell to save you.

Joseph chooses Option 2.

Danny grinned. “Good. Enjoy your spring break,” he taunted, walking away and leaving me with the sting of humiliation.

⬇️ Points lost: Self-Respect — 20

I grasped the filthy toilet seat, forcing myself off the restroom floor. My head pounded — thump, thump, thump — it felt like my brain had its own heartbeat. When I finally staggered out of the restroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror above the sink. The fluorescent light flickered weakly, casting strange shadows on my face.

I didn’t recognize myself. The bruises, the swelling — they made me look like a stranger. But then, as the light flickered again, I saw something else in the reflection. Just for a second. Benny’s face — pale, silent, his eyes searching for something. And then it was gone.

🔑 Hidden Clue: Benny’s Reflection. Use this to unlock the truth later.

I blinked, my pulse quickening. It wasn’t real. Couldn’t have been.

The hallway was buzzing with students rushing through the halls, their voices loud, bouncing off the walls. The school’s announcement echoed through the PA system:

“Attention, all students! This is the principal. I just want to wish you all a safe and enjoyable spring break. Travel safely, especially if you’re going out of town.”

The hallways cleared quickly, and I limped toward the courtyard doors, cradling my ribs. Just as I reached the exit, the school nurse, Mrs. Turner, came rushing toward me.

Choice Time

❓Option 1: Tell Mrs. Turner everything.

❓Option 2: Stay silent like always.

I lowered my head, avoiding her eyes. “I fell, Mrs. Turner,” I muttered.

⬇️ Points lost: Courage — 15

She looked at me closely, her brow furrowing. “Joseph, I know someone else who had bruises just like yours. He said the same thing — that nobody did it. But he’s no longer with us now, and I think you know exactly who I’m talking about.”

My stomach twisted. I knew exactly who she was talking about. Benny.

🔓 Hidden Objective Unlocked: What Really Happened to Benny?

Benny had been a quiet kid, always keeping to himself. He was deaf, so he mainly communicated through hand signs and writing. He tried to fit in, but the other students treated him like an outsider just because he was different. Danny targeted him relentlessly, mocking him in front of the class.

I remembered one day clearly. Benny had noticed Danny rubbing his stomach in hunger. Always kind, Benny approached him, writing in his notebook: “Danny, you look hungry. I have some potato chips. Would you like some?”

He’d offered Danny a warm, genuine smile.

Danny stood up and, without a word, crumpled the bag of chips over Benny’s head. The class burst into laughter. Benny, ever resilient, just returned to his seat, still smiling through the humiliation.

But that smile couldn’t protect him. Mrs. Turner was right — Benny’s bruises had told a different story. I’d seen them, just like I saw the fear in his eyes. And even though Benny never said a word about Danny’s abuse, I knew.

I could have done something. Maybe if I had spoken up, things would’ve turned out differently.

Choice Time

❓Option 1: Accept the guilt.

❓Option 2: Let it go.

“So what, Mrs. Turner?” I replied, my voice laced with frustration.

She sighed. “Listen, Joseph. I don’t want you to end up like Benny. Nobody knows for sure what happened to him, but I’ve always suspected Danny had something to do with it. When your parents have the kind of money Danny’s do, you can get away with almost anything. But karma is real — it’ll catch up to him one day.”

🎯 New Quest: Make Danny Pay.

Little did Mrs. Turner know, I knew exactly what had happened to Benny. I knew, and I’d kept quiet.

“Well, I’ve got to get going,” I muttered, trying to brush off the weight of the conversation.

Mrs. Turner gave me a sympathetic look. “Have a good spring break, Joseph. Stay safe.”

I nodded, but her words echoed in my mind as I walked toward the courtyard. The wind hit me as soon as I stepped outside — sharp and cold, cutting through me like a blade. My ears started ringing, a high-pitched whine that seemed to match the pain in my ribs.

Mrs. Turner thought Benny’s death was a mystery. Most people did. But I knew the truth. I’d seen what Danny was capable of. The guilt gnawed at me every day, knowing that I’d kept quiet, knowing that maybe — just maybe — I could’ve done something to stop it.

I crossed the courtyard, the school now eerily quiet as the last few students trickled out. I was alone now, just like Benny had been. But something was different this time. This time, I wasn’t just a bystander. I was living it.

As I passed the glass door at the entrance, I caught another glimpse of myself — bruised, broken. But in that brief moment, I saw Benny’s face again, this time clearer. He wasn’t smiling.

He wasn’t smiling anymore.

🔑 Hidden Clue: Benny’s Unsmiling Face.

The ringing in my ears grew louder as I made my way home. The cold wind bit at my skin, but it was nothing compared to the storm brewing inside me.

⬆️ Points Gained: Resolve + 50

I didn’t know what I would do. I didn’t know if I had the strength to stand up to him. But I knew one thing for sure.

There’s a debt in blood, and I’ll make sure he pays it.

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